Live In Relationship Should Be Banned in India | Touchheights

The question of whether live-in relationships should be banned in India is a complex one. It's important to recognize that people have different cultural beliefs and values when it comes to relationships and living arrangements.

From a legal perspective, in India, there is no specific law that prohibits live-in relationships. However, some people believe that live-in relationships are not in line with traditional Indian values, and therefore, should be banned. Others argue that adults should have the freedom to make their own choices about their living arrangements.

Additionally, it is important to note that live-in relationships are not necessarily respected in Indian society as compared to married relationships and partners in live-in relationships can face social discrimination. This can make it difficult for individuals in live-in relationships to access various legal rights, such as inheritance or property rights. It is important to note that the Legal system in India, under personal laws, doesn't recognize live-in relationships as it would be recognized under a formal marriage.

In conclusion, the decision to ban live-in relationships in India would be a complex one and would likely face opposition from those who believe in individual freedom and autonomy. It would be important to consider the potential implications such a ban would have on individuals' rights and freedoms.

There are several reasons why some people believe that live-in relationships should be banned in India

One reason is that some people believe that live-in relationships go against traditional Indian values and cultural norms. In India, marriage is considered a sacred bond and an important rite of passage, and some believe that living together before marriage or without being married is morally wrong.

Another reason is that live-in relationships are not recognized under Indian law, which can create legal challenges and make it difficult for individuals in live-in relationships to access certain rights, such as inheritance or property rights. This can lead to social discrimination, and it can be difficult for people in live-in relationships to access certain legal protections.

Another reason is the instability of the relationships, children born out of such relationship are more likely to be hurt and may not have equal rights as compared to children born out of a formal marriage.

It's also important to note that while some people may believe that live-in relationships should be banned, many others disagree and believe that adults should have the freedom to make their own choices about their living arrangements. It is a controversial issue with different perspectives.

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Facts to banned legally live in relationship

In India, there is currently no law that specifically prohibits live-in relationships. However, live-in relationships are not recognized under Indian law, which can create legal challenges for individuals in these types of relationships.

One potential legal issue that can arise from live-in relationships is the lack of inheritance and property rights for partners who are not legally married. In India, the personal laws regarding marriage and property rights do not apply to live-in relationships, which can make it difficult for partners to access these rights.

Another legal issue that can arise from live-in relationships is the lack of protection and support for children born out of these relationships. In India, laws regarding child custody and support are typically based on the legal status of the parents' relationship, and children born out of live-in relationships may not have the same legal rights and protections as children born to married parents.

Additionally, live-in relationships are not legally recognized as a valid marriage and partners are not entitled to the same legal protection as married couples.

It is important to note that while these are legal challenges that can arise from live-in relationships, they can also be present in marriages too. A ban on live-in relationship might not resolve the above-mentioned issues and it could also restrict personal freedom.

It's worth mentioning that the best approach for addressing the legal challenges and social discrimination is to recognize live-in relationships and its rights on par with formal marriages and providing legal protection to partners and children involved in live-in relationships.


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